Don’t: Leave the House Hungry
Only shop while on a full stomach. This way, you won’t buy to satisfy your lingering hunger pangs
Do: Check Your Pantry and Fridge Before You Leave
Make sure you know exactly what you have in the house before you head to the store.
Don’t: Buy into Every Bargain
Product discounts always look tempting – but you aren’t saving anything if the item is one you never use.
Do: Stick to Your List
Only shop with a detailed list in hand – and stick to it! You’ll spend much less that way.
Don’t: Grab the Biggest Cart
Keep your cart or basket as small as possible. You’ll be less tempted to throw another impulse purchase inside.
Do: Shop with a Budget in Mind
Determine how much you want to spend before you set out. This way, you’ll be motivated to keep your costs down.
Don’t: Forget Your Coupons
Before you head out, check your circulars, or coupon apps like Couponcabin and Flipp, for in-store discounts on regular items.
Do: Shop the Seasons
Cooking with seasonal produce is a lot cheaper than buying whatever suits your mood