Business Loans

Commercial Real Estate Loans

We’re here to help your business grow! Even when that means operations have gotten so big, that you need a new building.

Don’t worry, US Community Credit Union is here to provide the best tools for your business. Keeping your business successful is our objective.


  • Competitive Rates
  • Fast and Easy Approval
  • Local Community Financial Institution
  • Terms to Fit Your Business Needs
  • Keep Your Business Growing

Equipment Loans

Equipment failure seems to happen at the worst time, like right before you start that big project.

Don’t worry, US Community Credit Union is here to help. Whether it’s old equipment breaking down, or you just need additional equipment for your growing business, we can handle it.


  • Fast and Easy Approval
  • Local Community Financial Institution
  • Terms to Fit Your Business Needs
  • Keep Your Business Growing