Apple recently released a statement strongly encouraging users to update the software on their Apple devices immediately after the company discovered a vulnerability in its operating system. This vulnerability grants hackers’ access to your personal information and gives them the ability to take control of the operating system. In short, someone could take total control of your device without you even knowing it.
Review the following list to see what devices are impacted and if your device is one on the list.
- iPhone6S and later models
- iPad 5th generation and later
- All iPad Pro models
- iPad Air 2
- Mac Computers running MacOS Monterey
- Older iPod models, including the 7th Generation Touch
Apple immediately released software updates to fix the vulnerabilities late last week. Given the large amount information stored on most Apple devices, including credit union and bank account information, photos, medical apps, and digital versions of documents, those users who do NOT update to the newest software could be at serious risk of having their device taken over. If taken over, the hacker will have complete access to anything on your device. To protect all personal information stored on your device, you are urged to install the update (iOS 15.6.1) as soon as possible.
Your phone may or may not be set up to automatically install updates. If your phone is not, or you’re not sure, the following is a set of quick instructions to get you started.
- Go to your settings app – the icon that looks like gears.
- Find the “General” section, then click “Software Update.”
- You will be instructed further, or you will receive a message saying your device is “fully up to date.”
In today’s world, hackers are always searching for new ways to gain unauthorized access to information on our phones, tablets, computers, and many of our everyday electronics with malicious and illegal intent. Apple products, due to their ease of use and ever-increasing popularity, tend to be prime targets, which is why Apple devotes countless resources to identify any security threats before they become a much larger problem. Keeping your devices updated, according to Apple, is key to ensuring you, and your information, remain protected.
If you have any further questions or need help with an update, you are encouraged to contact Apple Support at https://support.apple.com/.