There are a few high payoff money-related moves: Pay off debt. Boost savings. Build a solid credit score. But a number of news outlets have another solid suggestion: Join a credit union.

As U.S. News & World Report writes, when picking a new financial institution, don’t forget about credit unions. “They tend to offer higher rates of return on savings accounts and lower interest rates on loans,” reports Kimberly Palmer for U.S. News. “They’re also an increasingly popular choice among former bank customers interested in exploring their options.”

According to the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), the credit union movement now has more than 100 million memberships nationwide, about one-third of the U.S. population.

U.S. News also cites CUNA numbers showing that credit unions have about 30,000 ATMs nationwide, many networked to allow access to members from credit unions across the country.

Daily Finance also put together a list for those looking to shape up their finances—only one-third of Americans have made such a commitment, the website noted—and again it involves a credit union.

The list included ramping up savings and checking with a credit union to see if it offers financial planning. Daily Finance also recommends setting up an emergency fund, paying down debt, creating multiple income streams, and creating a budget.

In Time Warner Cable News Buffalo, one financial expert recommends that those looking to clean up their credit look no further than a credit union to help them get there.

If you have any credit card debt or any debt that you want to get rid of, your commitment needs to be, “How do I get that from a high-interest rate loan to a low-interest rate [loan]?” says Nick Clements, co-founder of

Clements says to compare, ditch, and switch: “Compare for the best offer, ditch that high-rate credit card, and switch to a credit union or new provider who is offering a much lower interest rate.”

You can look to US Community Credit Union for help meeting your personal finance commitments. Stop in or call us today at 615-256-8712, or visit