For the third year in a row, US Community Credit Union was named one of the “Top 200 Healthiest Credit Unions in America” by the financial institution research website DepositAccounts.com. This list looks at financial institution health today vs. before the financial crisis of 2008 and the financial instituion’s current risk of failure. The report mentions, “The global financial crisis of 2008 has prompted many to take a second look at the health of their financial institutions. Many banks and credit unions were not as financially healthy as many believed.”
As you will notice on the list, USCCU is ranked #12 out of 6,003 credit unions, which is about 100 places better than our #110 rank last year. If you view the list of banks and credit unions, you will also notice US Community Credit Union is the highest credit union in Tennessee and the only financial institution based in Nashville to make the list. US Community Credit Union takes great pride in offering our members a very secure, very healthy financial experience.
Read the full report by Clicking HERE.